The ceremony in Swedish water, tok place exactly 100 years after it sunk in 1916-05-23

A ceremony were held off the coastal town of Grisslehamn in Sweden, on the 23 May. It was on the day exactly 100 years since the Russian submarine ”SOM” collided with the Swedish steamer ”Ångermanland”, and sunk with all 18 crew members still onboard. The Commander of the submarine’s grand grand children attended the ceremony. Konstantin Buguruev, Olga and Lyuba thrown 18 lilly-flowers in the water while all 18 crew’s name were read out loud. (Grisslehamn, Sweden, 2016-05-23)

SOM was found by Ocean X Team and I-Eplorer in the summer of 2015

FOR EDITING PURPOSE, material in 25 fps clean version 1080p from the Russian submarine ”SOM”

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