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It is to day 101 years ago, 18 Russian Imperial sailors lost their lifes in a tragic accident when the submarine SOM collided with the Swedish s/s Ångermanland and sank to 88 meters depth. It happened early in the morning 23 May, off the small coastal town of Grisslehamn, located at the Swedish east coast.

A cooperation between Ixplorer and Ocean X Team lead to that SOM was relocated in July 2015.

Relatives to the crew will think of Them to day.

”O Father hear our prayer to Thee,
From your humble servants beneath the sea.

In the depth of ocean oft we stray,
So far from night, so far from day.

We would ask your guiding light to glow,
To make our journey safe below.

Please oft times grant us patient mind,
Then ’ere the darkness, won’t us blind.

We seek thy protection from the deep,
And grant us peace whene’er we sleep.

Of our homes and loved ones far away,
We ask you care for them each day.

Until we surface once again,
To drink the air and feel the rain.

We ask your guiding hand to show,
A safe progression, sure and slow.

Dear Lord please hear our prayer to Thee,
From your humble servants beneath the sea.”