Författararkiv: Dennis

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It is to day 101 years ago, 18 Russian Imperial sailors lost their lifes in a tragic accident when the submarine SOM collided with the Swedish s/s Ångermanland and sank to 88 meters depth. It happened early in the morning 23 May, off the small coastal town of Grisslehamn, located at the Swedish east coast.

A cooperation between Ixplorer and Ocean X Team lead to that SOM was relocated in July 2015.

Relatives to the crew will think of Them to day.

”O Father hear our prayer to Thee,
From your humble servants beneath the sea.

In the depth of ocean oft we stray,
So far from night, so far from day.

We would ask your guiding light to glow,
To make our journey safe below.

Please oft times grant us patient mind,
Then ’ere the darkness, won’t us blind.

We seek thy protection from the deep,
And grant us peace whene’er we sleep.

Of our homes and loved ones far away,
We ask you care for them each day.

Until we surface once again,
To drink the air and feel the rain.

We ask your guiding hand to show,
A safe progression, sure and slow.

Dear Lord please hear our prayer to Thee,
From your humble servants beneath the sea.”

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Filter #56 i butiken idag.
Vi går till botten med skattletarna i Ocean X Team.

Filter #56


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Target0052,The operator places target notes here. Multiple lines OK.,60:03.1740 N,018:56.5472 E,C1,L27.3,W3.7,H10.6,H2-1.0,D113.7,2016:09:04 09:12:34.43
A new Discovery.
An unknown object was discovered during a sonar survey of the sea floor in the Stockholm archipelago area at deep water. A visual examintaion of the find has not yet been implemented.

The left image shows.
The image is a side scan sonar image, showing the sea floor with an wreck-like object. The size of the object is approximately 27meters in length and approx 4 meters in width.

The right image shows.
The side scan image is of the Russian Empire WW1 submarine ”SOM” which Ocean X Team found in July last year. ”SOM” was 20 meters in length and 3,6 meters in width.

The expedition were sponsored by:
Mats Wåhlin AB
Teledyne-Blueview sonar
Nimbus Boats

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Ocean X Team JO-anmäler Sjöfartsverket och Polisen

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On Russian TV news today 2016-06-29.

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Vädjan till Putin: ”Vi vill lyfta ubåten”

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Десятилетиями о местонахождении субмарины ничего не было известно. Водолазы обнаружили «Сом» только в прошлом году, а сейчас на место трагедии прибыли потомки командира легендарного экипажа. Репортаж Игоря Максименко: (см. видео)

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A ceremony were held off the coastal town of Grisslehamn in Sweden, on the 23 May. It was on the day exactly 100 years since the Russian submarine ”SOM” collided with the Swedish steamer ”Ångermanland”, and sunk with all 18 crew members still onboard. The Commander of the submarine’s grand grand children attended the ceremony. Konstantin Buguruev, Olga and Lyuba thrown 18 lilly-flowers in the water while all 18 crew’s name were read out loud. (Grisslehamn, Sweden, 2016-05-23)

SOM was found by Ocean X Team and I-Eplorer in the summer of 2015

FOR EDITING PURPOSE, material in 25 fps clean version 1080p from the Russian submarine ”SOM”

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Dennis and Peter with the compass from the Russian submarine SOM (former the Holland 1 ”Fulton”). SOM sunk the 23 May 1916 after a collision with a Swedish mail steamer.

Rasmus Ravensborg dive team made the salvage effort of the compass from 88 meters depth.

The diver Martin Kindvig succeeded to take ultrasonic thickness measurements of the submarine’s hull, much thanks to Cygnus Instruments ultrasonic gauge; DIVE.

Next step is to convince the Russian authorities to cooperate with us since both ”sides” want the same thing; salvage the submarine, take care of the remaines of the 18 submariners and make sure they will get their final rest in Russian soil, and then bring the submarine to Russia.

For information, the compass is now handed over to the police to be stored under their responsibility, with the maritime musuem supervision.

The expedition was organized by Ocean X Team in cooperation with Ixplorer.

Contributors who sponsored this expedition: Cygnus Instruments, Ocean Modules, Paragon boats, Nimbus boats, Marczak Film and Björnkläder.

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A1 black molten stuff_ny
Experts has managed to restore a crashed HDD with ROV-video recordings from the anomaly. The film material, which is of bad quality, will be checked before released for public viewing. Meanwhile will we present some still pictures from the videos though.

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Visit OXT Facebook page with over 15.000 members.
Follow our adventures on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OceanXteam/

Ocean X Team – Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/oceanxteam/

You can also follow Dennis & Peter at:
*Dennis Asberg – Instagram: http://instagram.com/dennis_asberg
*Dennis Asberg – Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dennisaasberg
*Dennis Asberg – Homepage: http://www.dennisasberg.com
*Peter Lindberg – Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Peter_Lindberg
*Peter Lindberg – Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/petertreasurehunter/

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OXT adventure will continue. and there will be more news headlines.

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View my Flipboard Magazine.

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The first dive, with Ocean X team & Ixplorer on the newly found WW1 Russian submarine the SOM (catfish), which sank in 1916 in the Baltic Sea, after a collision  with a Swedish vessel.
Photo: Stefan Hogeborn, Ocean X Team.

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The Unexplained Files.

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The mystery beneath.

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News! An interesting finding in an old mine.
A film from our findings in a mine in Dalarna – Sweden 2015-04-16.
The mine is 240 deep, And we found 16 cars, motorcycles, boats and barrels. and there is much more to find. We are now waiting for the authorities to give us the green light for salvage.
News channels
TV4: https://www.tv4.se/nyheterna/klipp/dumpade-bilar-hittade-i-gruva-i-dalarna-3172312
Expressen: http://www.expressen.se/nyheter/16-bilar-gomde-sig-pa-gruvhalets-botten/
Aftonbladet: http://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/article20661976.ab
DN-DAGENS NYHETER : http://www.dn.se/nyheter/sverige/16-bilvrak-hittade-i-medeltida-gruva/?fb_ref=Default

DT: http://www.dt.se/dalarna/sater/stor-fara-for-miljon-i-silvberg

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2015 will be an interesting year for us, Here you have a short film about our adventure. With our own music, The Ocean X Symphony.


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Picture of the object in the Baltic Sea,
Its a still frame from the ROV video, In one of the corridors, with a 90 degree angle.

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The wreck Astrid and Therese