
The Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet published an article about the project.

Read it here

Translation for english readers

They leave to a UFO-hunt – again

The Baltic Sea circle mystery may soon be solved.
The plot thickens around the strange circle on the Baltic Sea bottom.
Dennis Åsberg and Peter Lindberg is now leaving on a new expedition.

Last summer Dennis Åsberg and Peter Lindberg did what maybe was the biggest discovery in their entire life. On 87 meters deep (285 feet) in the middle of the Baltic Sea, they discovered a circular object with a circumference of 180 meters (590 feet) and 60 meters (197 feet) in diameter.

They did two dives on the object together with their crew to try to figure out what is hidden beneath. A year later the mystery is still unsolved.

Around mid-summer this year they got to shore from their last expedition and today they leave again. –We dived to the object twice; we already know that the object we have found is unique. What we are going to do now is to take a sample of the object itself, says Dennis Åsberg.

“It is not a submarine”
Hopefully the analysis of the samples will bring clarity to what it is that´s hiding on the bottom. There has been different theories about what it might be, everything from a geological formation to a Russian submarine base.

Now the treasure hunters have found a hole on the object that leads right through it.
It´s not a missile silo and it´s not a submarine. Maybe it is a little town down there, says Dennis Åsberg.

Many think it is a UFO
-The circular shaped object mainly has caught the attention of the UFO enthusiasts. About 95% of everyone who is following the search, think that it is a UFO, Dennis Åsberg says

-A long time I thought that it might be a meteorite, but a meteorite would have created a much bigger mess on the surroundings and there is none. Off course you have to be realistic but this is strange, very strange.

Written by Oscar Nelson

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